Local Dating Schofield Barracks Hi
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Your Name (if you would like it to appear):
Base Name:
Schofield Barracks
Base Location:
Wahiawa, HI
How long have you been here? (give years please, ex. 2003-present)
What is housing like? On-post? (waiting list, conditions, etc.) Off-post? Any areas to stay away from? Average price to rent or buy?
The quality of housing on Schofield really depends on the neighborhood they assign to you. The housing built post-privatization is very nice, with central air, carpeted rooms and quality appliances. The older housing has no carpeting and no air conditioning, but other than that, it is still very livable (we were thrilled with all of the storage in the kitchen). You are permitted to install window a/c units, this being Hawaii, but there are restrictions on BTU’s and appearance; I would advice contacting your local community center before installing anything. At least one neighborhood on base is of very low quality, and the housing office will inform you if this is the neighborhood they are assigning to you, as I’m told they will not collect full BAH if you choose to accept it. As for off base, avoid Wahiawa. Mililani is a little further away, but it’s a much nicer neighborhood. Wahiawa’s pretty much only good for restaurants.
Rate the PX & Commissary.
My husband and I don’t like crowds, so we prefer the Schofield PX to the nearby Pearl Harbor NEX, which may have (a lot) more shopping options, but is regularly a madhouse. The PX has a decent food court and typically has quite a few tables and kiosks of local crafts. Because the prices at off-base grocery stores are so much higher, the much cheaper commissary is almost always super crowded. I would recommend familiarizing yourself with the stocking cycles; if you show up at the wrong time of the week, you are likely to find there isn’t a cut of meat left on the shelves.
Activities on base?
There is a bowling center both on Schofield and on nearby Wheeler. There is also a movie theater, which only shows one or two, slightly older movies at a time. There’s a sports bar on base, too, which I’m told has a weekly salsa night. Most communities also plan activities for residents of their neighborhoods, usually child-centered.
Active Spouses Club?
If there is, I never heard tell of it, and none of the other spouses I knew attended.
Things to do in area?
Local Dating Schofield Barracks Hi 96857
Lots! Hawaii’s reputation for being expensive is warranted, but we’ve found plenty to do that hardly costs a thing. The North Shore provides scores of free, beautiful beaches and roadside produce stands with tasty, cheap tropical fruits. And don’t pass up those shrimp trucks just because they look a little sketchy! They are some of the tastiest restaurants around. Also, the Dole pineapple plantation is within a few miles of the base. It’s a big tourist destination, but it is still fun, and the pineapple ice cream is worth the trip. Iolani Palace, the only royal palace on US soil, is in downtown Honolulu, not far from the Honolulu zoo and Waikiki beach, which are also worth checking out. Our favorite place is the North Shore town of Hale’iwa. Check it out on Sunday mornings for a small but lovely outdoor market – we bought a locally farmed Christmas tree there, and added a tropical feel to a normally cold holiday! There are also a number of gorgeous golf courses, some military-run, all across the island.
School System?
We don’t have kids yet, so I’m not sure.
Any colleges in area?
The University of Hawaii is the big one around here.
Jobs? (on post and off)
I am currently unemployed, as are a number of the other spouses I have met. Quite a few people I’ve talked to have either had trouble getting a job, or could only find one nearer to Honolulu, and the traffic makes that a rough commute.
Favorite aspect of this base/surrounding city?
We love so much about living in Hawaii. The weather is amazing 90% of the time, great food is everywhere (particularly if you enjoy Asian cuisines), and there is always something to do, even if it’s just strolling down the Waikiki strip, people-watching. They refer to the Hawaiian mentality as the ‘aloha spirit,’ and we enjoy how relaxed and friendly that spirit is. Some people say the islands feel too foreign to them, too far and too different from home, but we are thrilled with the opportunity to experience new things here.
Least favorite aspect?
The bugs and the mud. We love the geckos (they’re cute, and they eat the ants), but pests like cockroaches and centipedes are unbelievably large and gross, and we learned quickly not to leave the backdoor open for the dog. Also, Hawaii is covered in red dirt, and with frequent morning showers (Schofield seems to get more rain than other areas of the island), the dog was ALWAYS tracking mud in, and lots of it. I recommend some serious rugs at the entryways of your house, or you may be spending an unreasonable amount of time mopping.
Local websites? (base, chamber, newspaper, schools, etc.)
Any other tips?
Take advantage of the endless summer. We’re from Minnesota, and strolling down Waikiki Beach in flip flops and aloha wear on New Year’s Eve was an amazing experience that will stick with us forever. The flowers here are always blooming, so stop and smell them. Oh, and drive down the H-3 sometime, just for the sights. It’s beautiful!
The Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) program is a Morale, Welfare, and Recreation program for Single Soldiers. The BOSS Council organizes and conducts activities that include trips to the beach, community service projects, and off-post entertainment.
Meetings are held monthly at Tropics Recreation Center on Schofield Barracks. The BOSS program also participates in installation special events as well as local community happenings such as the Gold Star Family events and Make A Difference Day.
Schofield Barracks Hi Housing

Fore more information, please visit Boss's social media:
Instagram @hawaiibossprogram
Mission Statement:
- To support the overall quality of life (QOL) for single and unaccompanied Soldiers
- Encourages and assists Soldiers in identifying, planning, organizing and conducting leisure and recreational activities of their preference
- Provides an opportunity for Soldiers to participate in and contribute to local communities
- Identifies issues and provides mechanism to recommend improvements through Chain of Command
Local Dating Schofield Barracks Hi Mwr
I. Leisure and Recreation
This pillar focuses on meeting Soldiers’ leisure and recreational needs. As such, suggestions and ideas are solicited from the single Soldiers' representatives of Fort Drum at our monthly meetings. These events are coordinated with BOSS, the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Outdoor Recreation, and many outside organizations. Leisure and Recreational activities are designed to provide alternative, opportunities on/ off post for Soldiers to get out of the barracks.
II. Community Service

BOSS helps to promote Soldiers' participation in many community service activities at Fort Drum and in the surrounding communities. It provides a Soldier the chance to meet new people and grow as individuals. Soldiers are exposed to new people, ideas and learn new skills. Volunteering is good as it gives Soldiers a sense of involvement and achievement, beyond their day to day activities.
III. Quality of Life
This third pillar of BOSS targets enhancing single Soldiers’ morale, living environment, and personal growth and development. Depending on the issue at hand, it will be handled by the Soldiers’ chain of command. However, the yearly Fort Drum BOSS Conference has developed sessions where Soldier issues can be brought forward and solved. The Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) plays an important role in the betterment of the quality of life for Army personnel. Issues and ideas are always accepted and reviewed through the Army Community Service AFAP program. To submit an issue fill out DA Form 7380 and turn in to one of the BOSS facilities.
Calling all Single Soldiers! Come and meet your Installation BOSS Hawaii Coordinators located at the BOSS Office.
Please contact Tropics BOSS Office at 808-655-1130, BOSS President Cell 984-234-8648.
BOSS Senior Advisor CSM Oliver
BOSS Advisor - Melania Silva
BOSS President - SSG Crainich
BOSS Vice President - SSG Soden
BOSS Secretary - SPC Duncan
BOSS Treasurer - Vacant
Contact the BOSS Office or your Unit Representative. Also, check the BOSS Bulletin Board at the Schofield Barracks PX for information on upcoming events.
Want to get involved in the community? Join BOSS on one of our many volunteer outings. We work with many groups in the local community, such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Honolulu, Bowl Games of Hawaii, and the PGA. We also volunteer for organizations that are exclusive to our Army family, such as the Exceptional Family Member Program and Army Community Services. Volunteers are needed today, so call the BOSS Office for more details or send us an email (use the 'email us' link at the top of this page.)